Dragi investitorji in podporniki! Leto 2022 se je zaključilo in lahko obvestimo, da je bilo leto rekordno uspešno. V lanskem letu se lahko pohvalimo z izboljšanjem čisto vseh pomembnejših kazalcev. Višina novo objavljenih investicij se je v primerjav z lanskim letom zvišala iz 26 milijonov evrov na 28 milijonov evrov, kumulativno z objavljenimi investicijami pa […]
Odkupi terjatev: stabilnost v obdobju visokih nihanj
Ali obstajajo naložbe, ki nudijo večjo mero stabilnosti in cvetijo v okolju naraščajočih obrestnih mer? Med te bi lahko uvrstili ponudnike platform za odkup terjatev, vendar tudi te vsekakor niso brez tveganja. Prispevek je bil objavljen v reviji Kapital Za iskalce donosov so danes izjemno zanimivi časi. Kombinacija visoke inflacije in nizkih bančnih obrestnih mer […]
Pomanjkanje investicij in prenova blagovne znamke
Pomanjkanje investicij Kot ste opazili, razpoložljivih investicij ni dovolj glede na sredstva investitorjev. Razlog se skriva v dvigu kriterijev za financiranje, tako z naše kot s strani zavarovalnice Acredia, ter v močnem povečanju investitorskih sredstev v letošnjem letu (za 31 %). Ne glede na nepredvidljive čase je naše poslanstvo, da vaša sredstva plemenitimo najprej varno […]
[Nekster update] Platform makeover, Acredia backing, and e-wallet license
As strong as ever, Nekster is moving forward with new development milestones. Here is the latest update of our activities, our partnerships, and the next destination on our path. Nekster platform with a brand new makeover – finally The redesign of our Nekster platform was well overdue, but we didn’t want to make it public […]
Nekster is reborn with the finest look so far!
Nekster is reborn with the finest look so far! Dear users, It’s been a while, we know. But we didn’t want this to leak out before its time. The newest design of the Nekster website is now fresh out of the production, and we’re thrilled to share it with you. Sleek and modern design Goodbye, […]
Letter From Ceo
The year is drawing to an end, and it’s time to look back, reflect on the now, and set our hopes (and plans) for the future. Looking forward to what the new year will bring, I’d like to extend our wishes for the second decade of this millennium. I hope you enjoy the last days […]
Scheduled Maintenance Finished
Nekster™ platform Scheduled Maintenance is successfully finished. During this maintenance window, Nekster™ was inaccessible. Now you can enjoy your investment in better, faster and more secure servers. As you can see platform is now available on the new domain URL https://invest.nekster.com . Add this link to your shortcuts to make your investing safer and faster. […]
Scheduled Maintenance
We want to make you aware that this Thursday (11/14) at 10:00 am UTC+1, there will be scheduled downtime for approximately 4 hours. We will be using this time to add new and more capacity to our infrastructure and prepare all necessary for the launch of the new platform that is coming very soon. We […]