Made for secure investing

To provide the highest level of security to your funds, all the listed investments are insured against credit risks and secured with additional advanced security mechanisms.

2-level assessment

We’ve perfected the security aspect of all listed investments to protect our users and their funds.

Bisnode, the largest credit rating agency in Slovenia, performs ratings of companies that contribute insured loans to be listed as investments on the Nekster platform.

All the listed investments are additionally checked with our in-house algorithm for credit rating assessment which, along with the Bisnode ratings, represents cross-checking of the company that issued a loan.

Credit insurance

All the investments listed on the Nekster platform are insured against default risk at the Acredia Versicherung AG insurance company of the Euler Hermes Group, to ensure the highest degree of investment safety possible.

Nekster thus represents the only crowd-investment platform in the world that guarantees pay-out for all the listed investment with multi-level guarantees.

Own contribution

Since we believe in the soundness of the listed loans and the security of investments, we, as a company, contribute a capital share in every investment.

Nekster thus contributes 10% of the total investment value, and the other 90% of it is offered for investment to the users of the platform.

Additional security fund

We don’t take any chances. Apart from the previously described security mechanisms and insurances, we protect the Nekster investments with the additional security fund.

Funds are contributed to the security fund based on the degree of default risk, which guarantees pay-outs for all damages at the latest within a period of 30 days after the loss-causing event occurred.